High Country Archaeology

Providing professional cultural resource management services for over 29 years in Wyoming and Montana.

Established 1995, cultural resource consulting services in Wyoming and Montana

Historic cabin at Sunlight Basin, Absaroka Mountains, Wyoming

Our services

Services Provided

All fieldwork is directly supervised by a Principal Investigator with over 34 years of professional experience. All submittals meet or exceed state and agency requirements.

Pilot and Index Peaks

Class I, II, and III cultural resource inventories and reconnaissance surveys.

Work is conducted in full compliance with state and agency requirements. Documentation is prepared by the Principal Investigator. Photos taken with DSLR cameras.

Red Canyon

Site recordation, evaluation, and impact/condition assessments. The design of site mitigation plans.

Visual contrast ratings and the assessment of indirect/direct project effects as needed. Photogrammetry for rock art panels, etc. Assessment of the effects of wildfires, erosion, and other forces on sites.

Archaeological monitoring of undertaking activities and post-construction inspections of pipeline trenches, cutbanks, etc.

The examination of fill removed and subsurface exposures during or after construction operations as required.

Permits for Archaeological Investigations (cultural resource use) are maintained with the Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, and US Forest Service. Issued on a project-specific basis, permits are obtained from the Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investments as needed.

Past Projects

Class I-III Cultural Resource Inventories

Inventory of nine airport extensions and developments, three shooting complex expansions, numerous well locations, land exchanges, pipelines, powerlines, fences, waterlines, improvements on canals and other waterworks, seismic grids, mine expansions, roads, meter stations, timber sales and prescribed burns, vegetation thinning, range allotments, streambank stabilizations, wildlife habitat and range improvements, housing developments, bike paths, cathodic protection systems, cellular/internet towers, and other installations.

The recordation and evaluation of over 900 sites according to state and federal regulations.

Reconnaissance Inventories

Reconnaissance studies performed for timber thinning and other vegetative treatments, the detection of rock art, etc.

Archaeological Monitoring and Site Impact Assessments

Cultural resource monitoring of undertakings including roads, well pads, pipelines, inground cable installation, and other developments. The assessment of project impacts and the effects of wildfire and other forces on sites.

Long Lake in the Beartooth Mountains